Need Riverdale party ideas? We’ve got you covered with our complete party package for your grownup Riverdale party. We are keeping it simple and will be nibbling on classic soda shop treats just like the gang might order from Pop’s Chock’Lit Shoppe. I’ve jazzed up our simple burger with fries combo meal with crispy maple bacon. You wouldn’t want to tick off Cheryl, so you’ve gotta have some maple syrup in there somewhere. I also bought some pretzel buns at Trader Joe’s for a little something different than your typical flavorless hamburger bun.
Chock’Lit Shoppe Decor
I bought the red plastic baskets and checked liners on Amazon to add to the soda shop vibe. A variety of colored paper straws or pixie sticks also provide color to our table setting. Jingle Jangle not included.
The Cocktails
I posted a recipe for the South Side Fizz in my last post. Although milkshakes would obviously be a suitable beverage choice, I decided to seek out one more cocktail recipe for an adult crowd.
The Cheryl Blossom is my Spin the Cherry Blossom Cocktail (from Old Mr. Boston’s 1969 DeLuxe Official Bartender’s Guide). It really packs a punch, just like Cheryl, and is delicious served in a small cocktail glass or on the rocks.
- 2 oz. Brandy
- 1/4 teaspoon curacao
- 1/4 teaspoon lemon juice
- 1 teaspoon grenadine
- three dashes orange bitters
- ice
- Shake well with cracked ice serve in a 3 oz cocktail glass, or serve on the rocks.
I love the fragrance of this cocktail. There’s something intoxicating about the perfume of lemon and orange bitters. The Grenadine provides a subtle sweet cherry flavor and color, without venturing into cough syrup territory.
Who will you be rooting for this season? Share your Riverdale party ideas below.
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